Nebraska Manufacturing Startups Expand, Signaling Positive Future Growth

Nebraska Manufacturing Startups Expand, Signaling Positive Future GrowthThe manufacturing industry is pretty lucky in that for the most part, America is cognizant of the importance of manufacturing to a successful future. This is especially true in Nebraska, where we are fortunate to receive grants and funding to help grow the innovation and creativity already present in the state.

We’ve seen this in the past with grants such as the NIST Awards given to small or mid-size manufacturers in Nebraska, as we mentioned on the blog last week. And Omaha World-Herald staff writer Cole Epley that large investors are seeing the potential in Nebraska startups–and supporting that interest with their dollars.

Investors from startup hubs like Silicon Valley and New York City are beginning to follow Nebraska startups; Securities and Exchange Commission filings show that 23 Nebraska startups attracted approximately $43 million in investments last year, with a significant amount of these being from outside states. One reason for this is the Internet—web-based technology investments don’t require a proximate geographical community link to prove that their return on investment will be substantial.

One such startup is Gretna-based biotechnology and manufacturing firm with roots in agriculture. The company received $3.65 million in private investments, a vital component of their growth.

“We’re definitely a startup, but we’re hoping to break ground on a very large commercial facility this year and that’s the next stage we’re at,” owner and CEO of Pellet Technology Inc. Russ Zeek told Epley.

Lincoln-based startup . is a web-based group travel planner. Users can invite people on trips, find a hotel, pick dates, and track expenses. After the trip, shared expenses can be paid and easily expensed. Because of the mass appeal and easy web operation, Company X in New York recognized that their investment dollars would be a better value when sent to Nebraska.

For entrepreneurs and manufacturers alike, this is an exciting development that will hopefully continue to grow as quickly as it has in the last few years. Again, just another reason why we’re lucky to live in Nebraska. If you can dream it, you can do it–one startup at a time.

Questions about the impacts this trend will have on Nebraska manufacturing? Reach out to us and let us know!

Photo credit: Pellet Technology USA